Sportboat Licence German

More professional Lessons in small groups – quality doesn’t have to be expensive!!!
Sea Teach has been offering since In 2017, all official German recreational boat driving license courses were offered in Cala d’Or, with subsequent on-site inspection by  the DSV.Our courses are intensive courses in which our experienced team will prepare you for the lake sports boat license, the inland sports boat license and the SRC in just a few days - Radio license trains.
Our lessons take place in small groups in our training rooms and on our own training boat, a 7-meter RIB. 
The exam takes place on the same boat instead, where training also took place. Obtained for preparation
give you personal access to high-quality learning software,
the will continue to be available to you even after the course. 
All learning materials are included in the course fee:
- Set of practice sheets
- Pencil,
Eraser, ballpoint pen, writing pad
- Two lines
for nodes (for the SBF lake and inland)
- Course triangles
and circle (for the SBF See)
- Up-cycled
Briefcase made of sailing material
As well as the following

- Training boat
and fuel
- Coffee, tea and snacks
- Water and soft drinks

Alle Lernmaterialien sind inbegriffen in der Kursgebühr:  
- Set mit Übungsbögen 
- Bleistift, Radiergummi, Kugelschreiber,  Schreibblock  
- Zwei Leinen für Knoten (für den SBF See und Binnen)  
- Kursdreiecke und Zirkel (für den SBF See)  
- Up-cyclete Aktentasche aus Segelmaterial 

Sowie die folgenden Leistungen: 
- Schulungsboot und Treibstoff  
- Kaffee, Tee und Snacks  
- Wasser und Softdrinks 

Führerschein See

​3-Tage Intensiv Kurs

Kurs-gebühr 890€

​Sportboot-Führerschein Binnen

​1 Tag Kombi Kurs - 1Tag

Kurs-gebühr 190€

​Funkschei​n SRC

​2 1/2 Tage 

Kurs-gebühr 590€

Sportbootführerschein See

​​Duration: 3 days of theoretical and practical lessons + Exam date Our Sports boat license lake courses always take place from Wednesday to Friday takes place from 9:30 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. with a lunch break. The test takes place then the following Monday.
Minimum age: 16 years
Valid internationally
No distance orSize limit
Mandatory license in Mallorca for all boats over 15hp
1-hour theory test as a multiple Choice
Practical test on the boat and knot knowledge

Since we train the SBF See as an intensive course In lessons we focus on navigation and nautical chart work as well learning the necessary knots. The other theory, 285 possible questions with answers in multiple choice, is done in-house using learning software that we available free of charge, to be studied intensively in advance. 
We treat but of course all questions about this and provide learning aids for the variousSubjects.
All relevant maneuvers are covered in the practical lessons trained. These primarily include the following exam-relevant manouvers and skills:
Docking and casting off, rescue maneuvers, driving
according to compass, bearings, stopping on course, turning in narrow areas
Space, sailing according to navigation signs/landmarks, putting on one
Life jacket, maneuver sound signals

Knots: eight knot, square knot, bowline, simpler
Schotstek, double Schotstek, Webleinstek, Webleinstek on slip,
Round trip with two half strokes, covering a cleat

​Sportbootführerschein See

Duration: 1 day as a combined course with the SBF See - theoretical Lessons + exam date Our Recreational boat license courses take place on Tuesdays from 9:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. – or after Appointment on Wednesday and Thursday evenings. The exam is the following day Monday, together with SBF-See.

Minimum age: 16 years
Valid on inland waterways
more than 15 hp (11.03 kW)
Less than 20 meters long
Only a shortened theory test in combination with the SBF See

We only train the SBF internal course in combination with
the SBF lake. It does not replace the SBF lake, not even on Mallorca.
Statements to the contrary are only legally correct to a very limited extent and in particular
The SBF internally does NOT apply to boats with a German flag, even on Mallorca
for trips at sea or along the coast.

The theory is mostly self-worked
Learn the learning software that we provide free of charge in advance
study. However, we provide further learning aids and tips on the topics of    inland shipping law, seamanship and environmental protection
and vehicle driving.

In our combined course
We teach the practice as part of the recreational boat license lake course

Funkschein SRC

Duration: 2 1/2 days of theoretical and practical lessons + exam date
Our SRC marine radio courses always take place on Wednesdays, Thursday evenings and Sundays. Exam is the following Monday.
• Minimum age: 15 years
• Valid internationally
• VHF marine radio
• Theory test multiple choice
• Practical test on training devices

The SRC has the official authorization to carry out the maritime radio service in the global maritime distress and safety radio system (GMDSS) for VHF (range up to approx. 35 nm) on pleasure boats. sr it is legally required that the skipper is in possession of the SRC radio license if there is a radio on the boat.
We train the SRC radio course as a combination of theoretical lessons and practical exercises on training equipment. Basic knowledge of English is a prerequisite.
The basics of the theory should be prepared on your own using the materials we provide.

Dates 2024

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